June 16, 2007
Girl Issue..
My FaV. GurL is back ") HurraH! Yaya.. For once (HeeHee....) U were so missed! CaN't wait to c ya again, cuz' i am digging that perky attitude of yours. OH yar...and lots of HOT 'mat saleh' stories to share yeah' ! MmuAx!
Recently, i encountered the negative effects of PMS upfront. Usually i would get the usual cramps and stuff...but my state of emotions would be at pH 0. In return, i would hear the laments of my friends telling all kinds of 'tales' about their PMS days : the irrational state of mind, the upsurge of anger, boiling temper .. etc..
Hmm... i finally got to experience it for myself...
Yesterday, i was under attack. I felt the immediate effect of PMS! Everyone in the house and on the phone sounded irritated. People were doing things wrong and i started to nit pick on even my Mom's cooking (Urghhh...how mean of me!) The actors and actresses on TV began to dress funny and their facial expressions made me wanna puke. I became SIMON COWELL for a day. FEEls good actually (Heeeeeeeee...) But mothers being mothers, my Mom didn't buy tt kind of bull coming from me ") she was like .. "Dah tebiat???"
The worst was yet to be experienced by my innocent BF...Sorry hun.. ")
He called tt night. Asked : "How's your day?".. i was like : "Do you have to ask tt everyday? So redundant!" . And to his surprise, came a whole lot of mindless rantings. HaHa! he tried to reason out, but hey.. who can reason with a female under the influence of bad PMS ").
The whole ordeal ended this morning. The beginning of Day 2 was alot better. I called him at 6 and apologised profusely..heheeh. " Tu lar.. i shock seh..What the Hell were you blabbering about. Mcm org giler jek.." I couldn't tell him tt i had PMS. Like many men, he wouldn't be able to understand ")
Is PMS a blessing or a curse for the female species? Hmm...
In the meantime, let's leave the options open..
If PMS is bad enough, can you imagine being pregnant???
ArGhhhh...NNNNNNNNNooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!Labels: ..laments...